c Resume download of a video which was interrupted beforeįor complete list of switches execute man youtube-dl in terminal. You can also specify other options -b Best quality To download a video execute the following: youtube-dl This will let you upgrade with sudo youtube-dl -U Or as official readme suggest using curl or wget. So, if you play the file with a software that only support MP3, the audio player will return an error.Install youtube-dl from the official repository in Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl MoviePy dont support every audio files, but it support the most of ones: "empty" mp4 (mp4 that only have music), wav, etc.Ī lot of persons just renames the file, but this cannot convert a file ! If you use VLC by example, VLC will play the file not as an MP3, but as the original format. # File is not a MP3 file, then try to convert it (first rename it)ĭlfn = '.'.join(fn.split('.')) + '.' + out_file.split('.') Out_file = video.download(output_path='.') Video = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first() I have a more Pythonic way to download YouTube videos as MP3 using PyTube: # Use PyTube to download a YouTube video, then convert to MP3 (if needed) using MoviePy Print(video.title, ' \nhas been successfully downloaded as MP3') Print("New Video Title is :" +VideoTitle) My_file = path + "\\" + "TemporaryName.mp4" VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('"', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('?', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('*"', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace(':', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('\\', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('/"', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace(',', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('|', " ") VideoTitle = VideoTitle.replace('\"', " ") (only_audio=True).first().download( path, filename ="TemporaryName.Mp4" ) Path = "D:\\" #enter the path where you want to save your video Use n (unless you're using Python 3.4 or below) '-i', os.path.join(parent_dir, default_filename),ĮDIT: Removed mention of subprocess.call.

new_filename.mp3ĭefault_filename = fault_filename # get default name using pytube API New_filename = input("Enter filename (including extension): ")) # e.g.

For example, if you have ffmpeg installed, running this command from the terminal will do the trick (assuming you're in the download directory): $ ffmpeg -i downloaded_filename.mp4 new_filename.mp3Īlternatively, you can use Python's subprocess module to execute the ffmpeg command programmatically: import os However, it is straightforward to convert the downloaded audio file from. The only files available for direct download are the ones which are listed under yt.streams.all(). How can I download the video as an audio file, in.