Canterbury Lane East Streetlight Repairs.

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Instead, using the above resources to go directly to National Grid for reporting and information about storms and related power outages relieves the calls that go to Pepperell’s Communication Center allowing them to concentrate on true 911 emergencies. NOTE: Residents should not call 911 to check on the status of a power outage.

You should have your 10-digit National Grid electricity account number ready to register. For personalized messages, text REG (for “register”) to 64743.Enroll in personalized text message alerts.All “Outage Central” functionality mentioned above is accessible through this app.Enter “National Grid” in the application search field on any Smartphone and download once retrieved.Download the free National Grid mobile “app” onto your smart phones.Get info on our restoration process and post-storm safety.Check the status of an outage, including Estimated Times of Restoration (ETR.).Open the link to National Grid’s Outage Central.Are you concerned about making sure your power outages are effectively reported to National Grid? There are 3 ways you can get information to and from National Grid during power outages: